Solopreneur Collaborative | Application

Tell me a little about you and your needs.

Please complete this form so we can see if we'll be a good fit to work together.

What are you looking for regarding your business growth? (Select all that apply)

Tell me briefly about your vision for your professional and personal life 3-5 years from now.

What type of business do you own?

How long have you been in business?

On a scale from '1' to '10', tell me how committed you are to making the adjustments necessary to help you achieve your vision for your business?

If we end up being a good fit, when do you want to get started?

If things make sense and you see the value The Solopreneur Collaborative provides, how much are you willing to invest in yourself and your business to achieve your goals?

NOTE: As a self-employed business owner, work-related education and training are tax-deductible business expenses. Source:  IRS Topic No. 513 Work-Related Education Expenses []

Do you have any other questions for me at this point? If so, feel free to ask them in the space below.

I'll follow up with you by email soon.